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Imam Zainul Abideen Bin Husayn and his descendants

مرسل: الجمعة نوفمبر 16, 2007 6:29 am
بواسطة Mystic
Compiled by Sayyid Ahmed Amiruddin, An Naqshbandi
Excerpted from Qadi Muhammad Sulaiman Mansoor Puri's Rahmatul-Lil Aa-Lameen

Imam Zainul Abideen Bin Imam Husayn (peace be upon him)

His name is Ali. [He was the son of Imam Husayn (peace be upon him)]. Due to excessive worshiping, he was called Zainul Abideen, Sajjad and Zussaqat. On the eve of Karbala, he was only 23 years old. He was born in 38 Hijri and died in 96 Hijri. His mother is Bint Yazdjard, who had come as a captive during the regime of Umar Farooq (radi allahu anhu).

Imam Zainul Abideen's progeny continued from his six sons; Imam Muhammad Al Baqir (rah), Abdullah Albahar, Zaidush Shaheed, Umrul Ashrat Husayn Al Asghar and Ali Al Asghar. He also had two daughters, Umme Kulsoom and Khadija.

Umme Kulsoom was married to Dawood Bin Hasan II and her sons name was Sulaiman, whose progeny is through the descendents of Dawood, Ishaqe and Hasan.

Khadija was married to Muhammad Bin Umar Bin Ali Al Murtaza and her sons are Abdullah, Ubaidullah and Umar. They had many children.

Abdullah Al Bahar Bin Imam Zainul Abideen (radi allahu anhu)

He was the brother of Hadhrat Imam Muhammad Al Baqir. His progeny continued from Muhammad Al Arqat. His only son was Ismail who had two sons, Husayn and Muhammad and their progeny is found in Yarjan.

Zaid ush Shaeed Bin Imam Zainul Abideen (radi allahu anhu)

His mother was Umme Wald. During the regime of Hisham, he declared himself the rightful Caliph and a large number of people pledged themselves to him in Medina, Basra, Wasat, Mosul, Khurasan, Reyarjan and Kufa. In Kufa alone, he had 15,000 supporters. However, when the army of Yusuf Saqfi came along with his army, his followers betrayed him and fled the battlefield. As a result, he was fatally wounded by an arrow during that battle and was martyred due to it. He had four sons, one of them; Yahya was martyred at the age of 18. His progeny continued through the remaining three.

Umrul Ashraf Bin Imam Zainul Abideen (radi allahu anhu)

He was the brother of Imam Zaidush Shaheed and his progeny continued through Ali Al Asghar. He had three sons, Qasim, Umar Al Ashraji and Abul Hasan. He also was blessed with many children.

Husayn Al Asghar Bin Imam Zainul Abideen (radi allahu anhu)

His mother was Sabida. Husayn Al Asghar died in the year 157 Hijri and was buried in Baqi. His progeny continued through Abdullah Ubaidullah al Aaraj, Ali, Abu Muhammad Al Hasan and Suleman and their descendents can still be found in Hijaz, Iraq, Syria and Maghrib.

Ali Al Asghar Bin Imam Zainul Abideen (radi allahu anhu)

His progeny continued through Husayn Aftas. The progeny of Hasan Aftas is continued through Al Al Hauri, Umar, Husayn, Hasan Makfoof and Abdullah Ash Shaheed.

Muhammad Al Baqir (radi allahu anhu)

Named Muhammad, Baqir was his title and he was also known as Abu Jafar. [He was the son of Imam Zainul Abideen]. He was a highly respectable and learned scholar. There is a Tradition in Sahih Muslim concerning Hajj which is related to 200 religious issues. His reports are continued in Sahih and Sunnan. He was born in Madina in 57 Hijri and died in 114 Hijri. He is buried in Baqi. He was only nine years old at the time of Karbala. His mother is Umme Abdullah Bin Imam Hasan (radi allahu anhu).

Jafar As Sadiq (radi allahu anhu)

He was named Jafar and his title was Al Sadiq and he was also known as Abdullah. [He was the son of Imam Mumammad Al Baqir] His mother is Umme Farda, the daughter of Qasim Alfaqih; the grandson of Abu Bakr (radi allahu anhu). The mother of Umme Farda was Asma Bint Abdur Rahman Bin Abu Bakr (radi allahu anhu). That is why he would say that he had a 'dual relationship with Abu Bakr (radi allahu anhu)'.

He was a learned scholar and spread knowledge very extensively. He compiled a number of Traditions, Sunnan and a large number of reports and decrees (Fatawa). He was born in 83 Hijri and died in 148 Hijri. He is also buried in Baqi. His progeny continued though the descendents of his five sons; Musa Al Kazim, Ishmail, Ali Al Areezi, Muhammad Al Mamoon and Ishaq.

Ismail Bin Imam Jafar As Sadiq (radi allahu anhu)

He was the eldest son of Imam Jafar As Sadiq. The Ismaili sect recognizes him as the Imam after his father Imam Jafar As Sadiq (radi allahu anhu). His Highness Sir Agha Khan was amongst the descendents of Ismail. His two sons were Muhammad and Ali.

Ali Bin Ismail Bin Imam Jafar As Sadiq (radi allahu anhu)

He was titled Zia Ud Din and Makhdoom Syed Alauddin Ali Ahmad Sabir Kaliary (rah) is amongst his descendents.

Ali Al Areezi Bin Imam Jafar As Sadiq (radi allahu anhu)

He had many children and many descendents though his four sons. Muhammad, Ahmad Al Sherani, Hasan and Jafar Al Asghar.

Muhammad Al Mamoon Bin Imam Jafar As Sadiq (radi allahu anhu)

He was also known as Muhammad Wassaj. He had also claimed the Caliphate to himself. Mamoon Al Rashid arrested him and later granted him amnesty. His progeny continued though Ali Al Kharji and Qasim Husayn and their descendents can be found in Egypt.

Ishaq Bin Imam Jafar As Sadiq (radi allahu anhu)

He had the title of Mautman and was also known as Abu Muhammad. He was the brother of Imam Musa Al Kazim and a sect of the Shia recognizes him as the Imam. His progeny continued through his sons Muhammad, Hasan and Husayn.

Musa Al Kazim (radi allahu anhu)

He was named Musa, Kazim was his title and he was known as Abdul Hasan and Abu Ibrahim. [He was the son of Imam Jafar As Sadiq] His mother's name was Hameeda (Umme Wald). He was born in 128 Hijri. He died on the 6th of Rajab 183 Hijri at Baghdad. He had 23 sons and 37 daughters.

From his 23 sons, 5 remained issueless whose names were Abdur Rahman, Aqil, Qasim, Yahya and Abu Dawood. Three of his sons; Sulaiman, Fazal and Ahmad, only had female issues. There is a discrepancy amongst the scholars regarding the descendents of six of his sons, Husayn, Ibrahim, Al Akbar, Haroon, Zaid and Hasan. The progeny of ten of his sons flourished and their names are; Ali, Ibrahim Al Asghar, Abbas, Ismail, Ishaq, Hamza, Abdullah, Ubaidullah and Jafar. Sultan ul Hind, Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Hasan Sanjri also known as Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti (rah) (died. 6th Rajab, 632 Hijri) was from amongst his descendents.

Ali Al Rida (radi allahu anhu)

He was named Ali and titled Rida. [He was the son of Imam Musa Al Kazim] He was known as Abul Hasan. He was born in 148 Hijri and died in Safar in the year 203 Hijri at the age of 55 years old. He is buried in Mashad. His progeny continued through his son Muhammad Al Jawwad.

Muhammad Al Jawwad (radi allahu anhu)

He was named Muhammad and titled Jawwad and was known as Abu Jafar [He was the son of Imam Ali Al Rida and was also referred to as Imam Muhammad Al Taqi). He was born in the month of Ramadan in the year 195 Hijri and died at the end of the month of Zeeqad in 220 Hijri at the young age of 25. He had two sons Ali Al Hadi and Musi Al Mubraqa.

Musi Al Mubraqa Bin Imam Muhammad Al Jawwad (radi allahu anhu)

His progeny continued through his son Ahmad and his descendents. Many of the descendents of Ahmad Bin Musi Al Mubraqa Bin Imam Muhammad Al Jawwad migrated to Hindustan and can be found in the suburbs of Lucknaw, Khairabad, Sadaidon, Sonepat and Samana.

Ali Al Hadi (radi allahu anhu)

Named Ali and titled Askari, his alias was Abul Hasan (peace be upon him) and he was dually called Al Hadi and An Naqi. [He was the son of Imam Muhammad Al Jawwad] He died in Muharram Rai at the age of 41 years and six months. He was born in mid Dhul Hijjah 212 Hijri and died on the 26th of Jamadiul Aakhir 254 Hijri. He left behind two sons, Abu Abdullah Jafar Kazab and Imam Hasan Askari (peace be upon him).

People joined Kazab with the name of Abu Abdullah Jafar because he had claimed the Imamate to himself after the death of his brother Hasan Al Askari. His progeny called him Jafar Tawwab and call themselves Rizvi.

Abu Abdullah was also known as Abu Kureen because he was the father of 120 children. He died in the year 271 Hijri. His progeny continued through his six sons; Ismail Harif, Yahya Al Sufi, Haroon, Ali Al Mukhtar, Idris and Tahir. Descendents of Ismail Harif and those of Yahya Al Sufi can be found in Egypt. Saadat Amroha belonged to the descendents of Haroon Bin Jafar, Saadat Bhakr are from the descendents of Ali al Mukhtar. Khwaja Qutbuddin Bakhtiar Kahki (rah) belonged to his line of descendents.

Muhammad Nazak and Syed Jalaluddin Bukhari Nazeel Hind are also from the progeny of Ali Al Mukhtar. The descendents of Idris Bin Jafar continued through his son Qasim and their descendents are called Qawasim.

Hasan Al Askari (radi allahu anhu)

"His name is Hasan, his title is Al Askari. He was born in the year 232 Hijri in the month of Ramadan. His mothers name is Hudais (Umme Wald) He died on the 8th of Rabiul Awwal 260 Hijri in Surra man Rai.

Source:[Qazi Md. Sulaiman Mansoor Puri, English translation by A.J.Siddiqui. Mercy for the Worlds (Rahmatul-Lil Aa-Lameen) Vol. II, p.95-108. 1977. Dini Book Depot, Delhi, India]
