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2000+4000=0 !!!!How come

مرسل: السبت ديسمبر 23, 2006 11:54 am
بواسطة Nader
A Mathematician used to cheat people. Once he borrowed
Rs.4000/- from a rich
man. After a few days, he borrowed Rs.2000/- from the same man.
Many days passed, the mathematician did not return the money to the rich man. The rich man went to the mathematician and asked to return the money.
But to his great surprise, the mathematician replied that there is no need to pay the debt. "See here, friend" said the mathematician "
the sum of 4000
and 2000 is equal to zero, so I do not have any balance to pay".The rich man took the matter to the court. When the judge came to know this, he was astonished. He asked the mathematician to prove that sum of 4000 and 2000 is zero, and not 6000.
The Clever mathematician agreed. He said: let a == 4000, b == 2000 and c == 6000
a + b == c
Multiply both sides by a + b
(a + b) (a + b ) == c (a + b)
a*a + ab + ba + b*b == ca + cb
a*a + ab - ca == cb - b*b - ba
a( a + b -c) == -b(b + a - c)
so a == - b
a + b == 0

Hence 4000 + 2000 = 0

مرسل: السبت ديسمبر 23, 2006 2:05 pm
بواسطة الامير الصنعاني
بلاش مغلاطة يا استاد نادر

حلوه جدا
بس الخدعة انكشفت
لا يجوز قسمة الطرفين على
لأن هده القيمة هي صفر 4000+2000-6000=0
والقسمة على الصفر لا تصح
فصفر على صفر ينتج قيمة غير معرفة

مرسل: الأحد ديسمبر 24, 2006 11:37 am
بواسطة Nader
yes, that was the trick
you're very smart to figure out this
or at least, ou have good grades in maths