Biography of. Shaykh Sayyed Muhammad bin Yahya Al-Husayni

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مشترك في مجالس آل محمد
مشاركات: 180
اشترك في: الخميس أكتوبر 19, 2006 10:08 pm

Biography of. Shaykh Sayyed Muhammad bin Yahya Al-Husayni

مشاركة بواسطة Mystic »

Shaykh Sayyed Muhammad bin Yahya Al-Husayni Al-Ninowy

Birth and Family lineage:

He is Muhammad son of As-Sayyed Yahya son of As-Sayyed Muhammad son of As-Sayyed Sa’id son of As-Sayyed Muhammad son of As-Sayyed Ali Al-Ninowy, who’s family descends from the southern Iraqi village of Ninowa, the place where Al-Imam Al-Husayn was martyred, a partial area of which is also known as Karbala. Shaykh Muhammad’s 33rd grandfather is The known blind pious scholar, the flag bearer of Ahlus Sunnah of his time, Al-imam Ibrahim Al-Mujab, (the first one of the family of the Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sallam, to migrate to Ninowa and established an Islamic University system). Al-Imam Ibrahim Al Mujab is the son of Al-Imam Muhammad Al-Aabed, son of Al Imam Musa Al Kathem, son of Al Imam Ja’far As-Saadeq, son of Al Imam Muhammad Al- Baqer, son of Al-Imam Zaynul’Abideen Ali,son of the Martyred Imam sayyidina Al-Husayn As-sibt, son of Maulana Al-Imam Ameer Al- Mu’mineen Ali bin Abi Taleb and the Lady Fatima Azzahra, daughter of the Best of the creation Sayyidina Muhammad bin Abdillah bin Abdil-Muttaleb bin Hashem from the tribe of Quraysh, sallallahu alayhi wa ala aalihi wa sallam.

His 4rth grandfather As-Sayyed Muhammad bin Ali immigrated for business and traded in olives and olive oil from Iraq to Northern Syria and settled in the north east parts of Aleppo ( Halab) where he had his first born son As- Sayyed Sa’id who married a local woman and had a son; Sidi Muhammad bin Sa’id and a female. Sidi Muhammad married an honorable Lady named Fatima, and they had two sons : As-Sayyed Sa’id and As-Sayyed Yahya and 6 daughters. As-Sayyed Yahya (may Allah shower him with his Mercy and blessings and raise his rank in paradise) had two sons: Muhammad and Isa, may Allah protect them.

Shaykh Muhammad was born in Aleppo( Halab) the northern capital of Syria in 1389 AH in a family who maintained it’s religious and honorable Qur’an and Sunnah traditions.

Shaykh Muhammad began his study under his father, Sayyed Yahya, rahmatullahi alaih, memorising the Glorious Qur'an and acquiring knowledge in many of the Islamic disciplines, including Aqeedah, Fiqh, Hadith and Ihsaan, with ijaazas (license to teach). He particularly specialises in the fields of Hadeeth and Tawheed.

He attended Al- Azhar Sharif University, Faculty of Usool-uddeen, where he studied under many scholars. In addition, he was under the tutelage of many stars of this century who resided in Syria, Madina, Makkah, Tangiers, Fez, Rabat, Egypt, Sudan and Jordan. He sat at the feet of, and was authorized by, many scholars such as Al-Imam Al- Hafeth As-Sayyed Abdullah bin Assidiqq Ghumari, Hafeth Abul Aziz bin Assiddiqq Ghumari, Hafeth Ibrahim bin Assiddiqq Ghumari, and Hafeth Hasan bin Assiddiqq Ghumari, radiaAllah anhum, Shaykh Hasan Qaribullah of Sudan, Shaykh Abdullah Al-Husayni, Shaykh Muhammad Al-Bata'ihi, Shaykh Jamil Ar-Rifaiy, Sayyed Al- Habib Al-Attas of Hadramout and others. Among the Mashayekh he learnt from are Shaykh Abdullah Siraj-Addin Al-Husayny, the Ba'Alawi scholars, Shaykh Abdullah At-Talidi, Shaykh Qaribullah of Sudan, the late Muhaddith Al-Haramayn Sayyed Muhammad Alawi Al-Maliki and many other honorable scholars in Morocco, and Hijaz.

Some of the books Shaykh Muhammad studied under his Shuyukh partially or wholly, and received Ijaza’s of Teaching in them with continued chain of narration, are as follows: Al-Qur’an Al-karim, Tafeer Al-Imam Al-Fakher Arrazy, Tafseer Al-Imam Al-Qurtubi, Tafseer Al-Imam At-Tabari, An- Nahrul Al Madd by Imam Abu Hayyan.

Took many books in Hadeeth and the Terminology of Hadeeth such as Nukhbatul Al-Fikr with the explanation by Hafedh Ibn Hajar, Al- bayquniyyah, Irshad Tullab Al-Haqaaeq by Imam Nawawi, Tadrib Arrawi by Imam Suyuti, Sahih Muslim with the explanation of Imam Nawawi, and Sahih Bukhari with the explanation of Imam Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani.among others.

* In the Shafi’iyy Fiqh he took Al-Muqadimmah Al-Hadramiyyah with the explanation of Imam Ibn Hajar Al-Haytami, Matn Abi Shuja’, Matn Azabad, Tanweer Al-Qulub, and part of Al-Majmu’ by Imam Nawawi, etc.
* In the Hanafi Fiqh took Matn Al-Quduri, Al- Ikhtiar by Musili, Al- Hidayah by Al Mirgani, etc. and in Maliki Fiqh took Ibn Asher by Mayyarah, and Matn Al-Ashmawiyyah., 1st volume of Athakhira by Al- Qurafi, Qawa’ed Al- Ahkaam by Al-Izz bin Abdussalam, Al-I’tisaam by Ash-Shatibi, and Bulugh Al-Maram by Ibn Hajar.
* In Aqeedah, took At-Tahawiyyieh, An-Nasafieh, As-Sanoosieh, Aqeedat Al Imam Ibn Asaaker, Al-Fiqh Al- Akbar by Al-Imam Al-Atham Abu Hanifa, rahimahuAllah with explanation of Mullah Ali Al-Qari, Usul-Addin by Al-Imam Abdul Qaher Al Bagdadi, Daf’u shubahi At-Tashbeeh by Ibn Al-Jawzi, Daf’u Shubahi man Shabbaha wa tamarrada by Imam Al-Husany, Al-Asma wassifat by imam Bayhaqi, Sharhu Al-Jawhara by Imam Allaqaani, Al-Insaaf by Imam Al-Baqillani, Asasu At-Taqdees by Al-Imam Arrazy, Ida’atu Addujna by Al-Imam Al-Maqarri, Furqanu Al-Qur’an by Al-Quda’iy, Bahru Al- Kalam by Al-Imam An-Nasafiy, At-Talweeh by Al-Imam At-Taftazani, etc..
* In Tasawuff, Ihya ulum Addin, Arrisala Al-Qushayrrieh, Ithaaf Assada Al Muttaqin by As-Sayyed Azubaydi, Al-Burhan Al- Mu’ayyad by Al-Imam Arrifa’iy, Halatu Ahli Al- Haqiqa by Imam Ar-Rifa’iy, Azzuhdu Al-Kabeer by Al-Imam Al-Bayhaqi, Tabaqatu Asufiyyiah by Al-Imam As-Salami, Arisala by Al-Hareth Al-Muhasibi, Al-Hikam of Ibn Ata’Allah, and At-Tabaqat Al-Kubra by al-Imam Asha’rani. And some more.

Current News:

* Shaykh Muhammad has been trying to provide the first interactive Islamic University over the internet, while utilizing technology, yet preserving the Sunnah tradition of TALAQQI (mouth to mouth transmission of knowledge) through interactive video and audio, and conferencing, leading to generating knowledgeable male and female Muslims to lead the Ummah through genuine teachings and adherence to the Saheeh of the Sunnah of Rasoolillah, sallallahiu alayhi wa aalihi wa sallam.
* Shaykh Muhammad is launching the first of its kind: The American Islamic University, an academic Islamic teaching system, based on Talaqqi and Ijaza in teaching and knowledge.
* Shaykh Muhammad is an imam and Khateeb at Masjid Al-Madina in Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A., where he delivers the Friday Sermons and gives A Weekly Majlis in Hadith and Tawheed.
* He participated in many national and international conferences on Islam, world peace, and welfare of humanity.

Objectives and Goals:

* To propagate the Pure and Authentic methodology of the Qur’an and Sunnah, in a time of prevalent darkness and ignorance.
* To reform and to renew the call to go “Back to Basics” (which are the Qur’an and Authentic Sunnah), by increasing the awareness among Muslims and nonMuslims about Islam and the authentic Tawheed (monotheism) upholding the strict and pure methodology of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’a.
* To preach Tolerance, Peace, Mercy and Understanding within the Muslim community and with nonMuslims, through education.
* To manifest the line of moderation and truth commanded by the Qur’an and Sunnah.
* To foster and improve the interislamicrelations based on the Qur’an and Sunnah, and with the massive absence of the both the Qur’an and Sunnah from many communities along with the vast increase of ignorance, which lead to chaos, division, and confusion; a condition the entire Muslim Ummah is suffering from nowadays.
* Increasing awareness among Muslims, as to the cause of our division and failure is following selfish, political, individual, or national interests; combined with a severed connection to both paths of success; namely the Book of Allah, and the authentic Sunnah of RasooluAllah, sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sallam.
* To refute innovations of misguidance, alteration of the original message, accusations against our Islamic and Sunnah principles, and to project a clear image of the authentic Sunnah.

Works and Present projects:

He has authored many books in the sciences of Tawheed and Hadith in Arabic, some of which have now been introduced into the English language, among his works:

1. Satisfying the Need with the Obligatory Creed of ‘ilm At- Tawheed: (explanation of Al_Aqeedah At-Tahhawiyyah in English with the proof from the Qur’an, Saheeh of the Sunnah, and the intellect).

2. Relief in explaining the Islamic Belief : ( Explanation of Al-Fiqh Al-Akbar by Imam Abu Hanifa in English, with high-yield comments and beneficial applications, preserving the explanation of Mulla Ali Al-Qari,rahimahu Allah). Still pending fine tuning.

3. Saheefa in the Obligatory Fiqh according to the Imam Abu Hanifa: (a summary detailing what scholars deem mandatory upon every Muslim to know, ‘ ilm daroori ) Simple, and easy to learn and teach. Summarized from Al- Ikhtiar by Al-Musili, Al- Hashiyah, Matn Al- Quduri, Al-Hidayah by Al- Mirgani, and Al-Mathaheb by Azuhayli.

4. iqdu An-Nafees in the obligatory fiqh according to the Imam Muhammad bin Idrees (Shafi’iy) : ( a summary of the obligatory portion of Fiqh according to the Imam As-Shafi’iy).

5. Tanweer Al-Mu’mineen with the Fadaa’el of the Sahaba and the Khulafa’ Arraashideen : ( enlighting the believers with the beautiful characters of the 4 Khalifas of the Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sallam, and defending each one of them with the Qur’an and Saheeh of the Sunnah).

6. Qawlu Al-Asmaa fi Tafseeri Asma’I Allahi Al-Husna : ( the beautiful saying in explaning the meanings of the Perfectly beautiful names of Allah).

7. shroohu An-Ninowyyiah Ala Al- Manthooma Al-Bayqooniyyah : ( the Ninowy explanation on Matn Al-Bayqooniiah, which is a explanation of Matn Al Bayqooniyyah by Imam Bayqoony in the terminology of Hadeeth).

8. Duraru Al-Bahiyyah fi Ansaabi Asadah An-Ninowyyiah : ( the shining pearls in the Ninowy family) a booklet in the science of Ansaab, (ancestry), elucidating specifically on the noble origin of the Ninowy/nawnawy families and their Husayny origin.

9. Ithafu Al-murid bi mukhtasari Ahkaami At- Tajweed : ( a summary of the rules of Tajweed and recitation of Qur’an according to the Riwayah of Hafs by way of Aasem).

10. Al- Arba’ieen Al-Alawiyyah: ( 40 Hadeeth Saheeh narrated by way of Ameer Al-Mu’mineed Sayyidina Ali bin Abi Taleb. Similar to the 40 hadeeth Nawawiyyah, by Imam Nawawi).

11. Many small letters and articles about specific Ahaadeeth and their classifications, some fiqh issues, and mostly in the science of Tawheed. Many projects are still under work and pending, such as Explanation of the Aqeedah An-Nasafiyyah, A summary of Seerah based on the Qur’an and the Saheeh of the Sunnah in English and Arabic, a Tafseer in English that avoid mistakes done so far.

12. Working on a few Hadeeth Projects that we started when Sidi Abdullah bin Assidiqq was still alive and under his supervision and corrections, and that is the “ Tahqeeq of Qanz Al-Ummal by Al-Muttaqi Al-Hindi” which contains roughly around 49000 Hadeeth. Sidi Abdullah had already corrected and classified for us around 14000 of them and then he passed away. I have been talking to Sidi Ibrahim after, rahimahu Allah, before he passed away and he agreed to finish the project of Sidi Abdullah so we can present it for the first time to the Ummah, purified and classified accordingly by Saheeh, Hasan , Da’ieef, or forged. The passing away of Sidi Ibrahim has devastated us, Shaykh Ahmad and I really wanted to have the project done by the Huffath of Aal-Assiddiqq.

13. Shaykh Muhammad is reviewing a translation of The Noble Quran for accurate interpretations of the words, and is almost done with exceptions of fine tuning the English words, and this would be considered insha’Allah a beneficial service to the Book of Allah, to present an almost mistake free translation, avoiding the common pitfalls by the usual translators who usually lack Shariah and Usul Knowledge.

14. Shaykh Ahmad and Shaykh Muhammad, have also worked on the translation of Riyadu Assaliheen into English and is already available electronically, narrated through the chain of Sidi Abdullah bin Assiddiqq, radiyallahu Anhu.

15. We also have translated many works of Sidi Abdullah into the English Language and some are almost ready to be printed, for example: Iqamatu Al-Burhan,which is proving that Sayyiduna Isa, Alayhi Assalam, will descend at the end of times,and many other beneficial letters.

16. Shaykh Muhammad is undertaking the mission of bringing to light many works of the Hafeth Sidi Ahmad bin Assiddiqq, and make them available to the Muslim Ummah so they can benefit from his vast knowledge, may Allah raise his rank in Jannah.

May Allah forgive him, his fathers and all believers.

مشترك في مجالس آل محمد
مشاركات: 180
اشترك في: الخميس أكتوبر 19, 2006 10:08 pm

مشاركة بواسطة Mystic »

Syed Ninowy and his teachers



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