Fasting on 'Ashura according to the Zaydi imams

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Talib Ali
مشترك في مجالس آل محمد
مشاركات: 66
اشترك في: الاثنين يونيو 26, 2006 6:17 am

Fasting on 'Ashura according to the Zaydi imams

مشاركة بواسطة Talib Ali »


Here is a translation of some of the rulings of the Zaydi imams and scholars concerning fasting on 'Ashura.


Fasting During ‘Ashura according to the Zaydi Imams

Kitāb al-Jāmi’ al-Kāfi fi fiqhi az-Zaydiyya by Imam al-Hāfidh Abi Abdullah Muhammad bin Ali bin al-Hasan al-Alawi (as)
Regarding fasting on ‘Ashura: al-Qasim, al-Hasan, and Muhammad say that ‘Ashura is the 10th day of al-Muharram. Al-Qasim (as) said: “There is no disagreement concerning that. Fasting on that day is a beautiful act (hasan jamīl) and there is a lot of reward (fadhīl kathīr) in doing so. There’s no harm in refraining from fasting.” Al-Hasan (as) said: “I narrate on the authority of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his progeny, that he used to fast on that day often.” Muhammad said: “It has been related to us on the authority of Ali (as) that he used to command to fast on that day and mention the great reward for doing so. It is also narrated that it is in conjunction to that of the people of Yunus. It is narrated on the authority of Ibn Abbas that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his progeny, arrived in Madinah and the Jews fasted during ‘Ashura. He then said, ‘What is this?’ They said, ‘[It was on this day] that Allah saved Musa and drowned Pharaoh.’ The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his progeny, said: ((I have more of a right over Musa than you.)) So, he fasted on that day and commanded his companions to fast.”
Elsewhere in the book, there are other narrations that state that Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his progeny, ate on ‘Ashura and fasted on the rest of the day.

Kitāb Usūl al-Ahkām by Imam al-Mutawakkil ala Allah, Ahmed bin Suleiman (as)
In the chapter that deals with the recommended and disliked things in fasting: It is narrated on the authority of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him and his progeny, that he used to fast on ‘Ashura.
It is narrated on the authority of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him and his progeny, that he said: (There are no days that has as much reward as the month of Ramadan and ‘Ashura.) There are two reports that mention the recommendation of fasting on ‘Ashura, which is the tenth of al-Muharram. Some of the Imamis discourage fasting because al-Hussein bin Ali (as) was killed on ‘Ashura. That is not reliable (‘itimād) because fasting does not prevent grief. Also, breakfast is closer to the pleasure of fasting. He was killed after the time of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his progeny, and it is not permissible to change something after a Shari`ah law has been established. It is narrated on the authority of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him and his progeny, that he fasted on ‘Ashura and encouraged others to fast. It was said to him: “O Messenger of Allah, it is a day that is esteemed by the Jews and Christians.” The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his progeny, replied: ((Then, next time, we fast on the ninth day.))
Elsewhere in the book, there are other narrations that state that Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his progeny, commanded those who ate on ‘Ashura to make it up.

Kitāb at-Tahrīr by Imam Nātiq Bil Haqq, Abu Talib Yahya bin al-Hussein al-Hārūni (as)
In the chapter that deals with the recommended and disliked things in fasting: It is recommended to fast during times where there is no difficulty or detriment to the body. One is to break the fast [i.e. not fast] on the days of the 2 Eids and the Days of Tashrīq. It is recommended to fast during the months of al-Muharram, Rajab, and Sha’ban. It is also praiseworthy to fast on Mondays and Thursdays. It is recommended to fast on ‘Ashura, which is the tenth of al-Muharram. It is also recommended to fast on the day of ‘Arafat for those in other cities. [It is also praiseworthy to fast] on the 13th, 14th, and 15th days of every month.

Kitāb Majmu’ Kutub wa Rasā`il by Imam al-Qasim bin Ibrahim ar-Rassi (as) He (as) said in Kitab al-Wāfid: “The fasts of great reward include: Rajab, Sha’ban, the White Days, ‘Ashura, the day of ‘Arafat, Mondays, and Thursdays.”

Kitāb al-Ahkām by Imam al-Hadi ila al-Haqq, Yahya bin al-Hussein (as)
In the chapter entitled, (The statement concerning fasting on ‘Ashura, ad-Dahr, the White Days, ‘Arafat): There’s no problem fasting on ‘Ashura. It is a good thing to do so. It is narrated on the authority of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him and his progeny, encouraged fasting on that day as something special. It is recommended to fast during times where there is no difficulty or detriment to the body. This is because Allah, the Exalted, does not desire hardship in acts of worship and desires ease for them. Allah says: {Allah desires ease for you and not difficulty} (Q. 2:185). If one is strong, they can fast this fast.
It is not permitted to fast during the days of al-Fitr and al-Ažha, as well as the Days of Tashrīq. This is because the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him and his progeny, forbade fasting on these days. He also said that eating and drinking are to be done during these days, and one is to break the fast. One is not to fast on these days.
I relate on the authority of my father on the authority of his father who was asked about fasting on ‘Ashura, which day is it, and fasting on ‘Arafat: He replied: “Fasting on that day is a beautiful act and there is a lot of reward in doing so. There’s no harm in refraining from it. It is also a lot of reward in fasting on the day of ‘Arafat. Expiation is a sunnah. Concerning ‘Ashura, it is on the 10th. There is no disagreement concerning that…”

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