Letter exchanges between Imam Ali (as) and Muawiyah

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مشترك في مجالس آل محمد
مشاركات: 180
اشترك في: الخميس أكتوبر 19, 2006 10:08 pm

Letter exchanges between Imam Ali (as) and Muawiyah

مشاركة بواسطة Mystic »

Imam Asi from Washington DC gave us a translated version of Muawiyah letter to Imam Ali (as). However due to lack of time he was not able to give us a translated version of Imam Ali's (as) reply. I tried to look for the reply online, and all i saw was some references from the 12r sites. The problem with 12rs sites they have references of the Imam which are mixed with truth and falsehood. In the end what you read from their sites no longer looks like Imam Ali's (as) replies.
Anyway i will post Muawiyah letter, and I hope a brother can post me the Imam Ali's (as) reply.

The letter begins In the name of Allah the Mercy-giver the Merciful. From Muawiyah, the son of Abu Sufyan, to Ali, the son of Abu Talib. Indeed Allah has privileged Muhammad with His knowledge- meaning due to Allah's knowledge Muhammad was privileged- and Allah has rendered him the trustee of His revelation and the Messenger to his created beings. Remember, these are Muawiyah's words to Ali. And then Allah, as a selection preference, chose from among the Muslims those who would be the advocates and supporters of the Prophet. The Prophet was helped by them. They were in relation or in their status to the Prophet in a position juxtaposed to their virtues in Islam- meaning the more virtuous they were Islamically, the more closer they were to the Prophet. The most in advice to Allah and His Messenger was his successor- that's in reference to Abi Bakr (radi Allahu anhu)- then the successor of his successor- that's in reference to Umar ibn Al Khattab (radi Allahu anhu), and then the 3rd successor who was killed without justice, Uthman. Muawiyah is saying to Ali... You were jealous of all of them- meaning these three successors to the Prophet- you have aggressed against all of them. We could tell that from the smirk on your face and from the words of division which you pronounced and the times of relief that you felt during their reign and the way you were slow in consolidating with them- meaning with the khulafa' to the Prophet. In all of that time period pertaining to the three successors to the Prophet you were being led or drawn as a reluctant camel would be pulled and you were not more expressive in envy to any of them than you were to your paternal aunt's son- this is in reference to Uthman. The relationship between Bani Umayyah and Bani Hashim and in particular here, the relationship of Ali to Uthman is the relationship extracted from a brother and a sister- the brother being on the Hashimi side and the sister being on the Umawi side. Muawiyah is saying to Ali and Uthman deserved more from you- that you not treat him the way you did, 1st of all because he was a relative of yours and because of his virtues. You have severed the blood relationship with him; and you have turned the good that he did into bad; and you expressed animosity towards him; and you internalized doing what is short of the truth towards him and you instigated people against him- (the following sentence is an Arabic eloquent expression of saying that as a consequence of what you, Ali, did to Uthman, there were people rushing from all over to take advantage of him and there where blockages that were put in every direction for those who were willing to come to his aid. Now there were weapons that came out against Uthman in public and in of all places, this was done while Uthman was in the sanctuary of Rasulillah. Remember, Uthman used to go to the Masjid of the Prophet and he was being opposed in the Masjid of the Prophet. These were not dark night conspiracies. What Muawiyah, in the twisted way that he's expressing this, was referring to incidents that had occurred; Muawiyah is saying to Ali Uthman was killed while you were in his neighborhood and you heard the distressed voices but you were not there to protect those victims neither with words nor with action. It's like saying By Allah- Oh son of Abi Talib if you were to stand for the right of Uthman by telling people to stick to their positions- meaning not to have this public and popular movement against Uthman- and if you were to take a position against that and if you were to distract or detract them from what they were wanting to do- meaning in killing Uthman- then there wouldn't have been one person among us- Muawiyah is saying to Ali- within the Muawiyah camp who would say that anyone is equal to you. Had you taken that position you'd have cancelled out all of the impressions that are popular among these people who are with me, against you, because you avoided doing this in favor of Uthman. Muawiyah is saying to Ali and there's another issue: that for the partisans of ibn Affan you are suspect. Giving refuge to his killers, they are your muscles, your hands and your supporters. News has reached me- Muawiyah is saying- that now you are vindicating and distancing yourself from the blood of Uthman. Muawiyah is saying to Ali if you are truthful to what you saying and claim then expel the killers of Uthman to us and we will level the issue by eliminating them- meaning if you don't want to care of them by capital punishment, we will do so for you. And then after that, when that is done, and when the killers and assassins of Uthman are taken care of by the sword- that is basically what the implication is- then after that we will be the 1st and the fastest people to come to you- meaning at that time we will give you our bai'ah. Short of that, the only thing between us and you is the sword- meaning war. And the last sentence of Muawiyah's letter is and by Allah besides Who there is no deity or authority- we will seek out the killers of Uthman whether they are in the mountains or the desert or whether they are on land or sea until we kill them or until our souls join Allah. And he says wa salaam.

Narrated by Baladhuri

Talib Ali
مشترك في مجالس آل محمد
مشاركات: 66
اشترك في: الاثنين يونيو 26, 2006 6:17 am

Imam Ali's reply

مشاركة بواسطة Talib Ali »


I think that we were all waiting to hear that reply by Imam al-Asi, but he left us all hanging! :wink:

Anyways, here is Imam Ali's response. This narration can be found in the Ansab of al-Baladhuri and the Wa'qat Siffin by al-Minqari. Please forgive any errors!

After Ali (as) praised Allah, and sent prayers and blessings on the Messenger (saws), he said:

“You mentioned that Allah chose for him helpers from the Muslims who supported him, and that they were ranked to Him according to their merits in Islam. You asserted that the most excellent of them in Islam, and the most sincere to Allah and the Messenger (saws) were the caliph [i.e. Abu Bakr] and his caliph [i.e. Umar]. I swear by my life, their stations were indeed great, and the loss of them was a great wound! May Allah be merciful to them and grant them a great reward! You also mentioned that Uthman was third in excellence. If Uthman was good then Allah will reward him for that; if not, he will encounter a Lord who is Most Merciful and forgives any sin, no matter how great. I swear by Allah, I am hopeful that when people are rewarded by Allah for their excellence and sincerity to Him and His Messenger, our share will be the most abundant!
Indeed, when Muhammad first proclaimed belief in Allah and His Oneness, we, the People of his House (Ahlul Baytihi), were the first to believe in him and declare him as truthful. We continued [supporting him] for a long time when no one from the Arabs worshipped Allah but us. Our people then tried to kill him and destroy our base. They plotted against us and carried them out. They withheld provisions and water from us, spread fear amongst us, set up guards and spies against us, forced us into a rugged mountain, incited war against us, and contracted amongst themselves to not eat, drink, trade, or intermarry with us. We could not count on safety until we have surrendered the Prophet to them to torture and kill...
As for those from the Quraysh who embraced Islam afterwards, they were relieved from the trials that we went through. Because from among them were protected tribes and individuals that had protection from their clans so that no one [from the pagan Quraysh] would do to them what they did to us. They were in asylum and were saved from being killed. This was as Allah willed. Then He ordered His Messenger to emigrate and later allowed him to fight against the polytheists. Whenever matters got tough and the battles began, he sent the people of his family to the forefront in order to protect the Companions from the heat of the battle. Thus, Ubayda [bin Harith bin al-Muttalib] was sacrificed at Badr, Hamza at Uhud, and Ja’far and Zayd at Mu’ta. The one whose name I would mention [i.e. Ali himself], more than once, sought martyrdom for the sake of Allah similar to these, yet there time was expedited and his [mine] was prolonged. Allah now grants them provision and rewards them for that which they have done. Consequently, I have not heard of or seen anyone from the people who was more sincere to Allah through obedience to His Messenger or more submissive to the Messenger in obedience to his Lord, more steadfast during hardships and times of distress than those who I have just named! Although, there were good people amongst the Muhajirun as well, may Allah reward them.
You mentioned me having envy of, holding back from, and opposition to the caliphs. As far as opposition towards them, Allah forbid that! As far as my holding back from them and loathing their affair, I do not apologize for that to anyone; because when Allah received His Prophet back unto Him, the Quraysh said: ‘Let there be an amir from us.’ The Ansar said: ‘Let there be an amir from us.’ The Quraysh replied: ‘Muhammad is from us, so we are more entitled to this affair!’ The Ansar recognized this, submitted to them, and accepted their authority. However, if they [the Quraysh] deserved it to the exclusion of the Ansar because of their closeness to the Prophet, how much more so do those who are closer than they?! If not, than the Ansar have a greater claim than any of the Arabs. Thus, I do not know if my companions feel blameless for taking my right or wronging the Ansar. Whether my right was taken or not, I left it to them, may Allah pass over their errors!
Regarding your mention of Uthman and my opposition against him, you have heard what he did. The people then did to him what you have seen and know. I was free from that, unless you would like to falsely accuse me. If so, then accuse me. Regarding those who killed Uthman, I don’t know any specific killer. I have considered the matter thoroughly and it would be impossible for me to surrender those to you whom you have accused or placed in suspicion. I swear by Allah, if you do not retract from your aggression and rebellion, they will seek you out so that you will not have to seek them out by land or sea, mountain or plain.
Your own father [Abu Sufyan] came to me when the people installed Abu Bakr as their ruler and said: ‘You are more entitled to this matter [i.e. rule] after Muhammad! I will back you in this against anyone who may oppose you! Stretch out your hand so that I may give you the bayah!’ But I did not do it. You know that your father said this and desired it; however, it was I who declined because the people were so close to turning to apostasy and I feared division from the people of Islam. Thus, your father was more ready to accept my right than you! If you accept my right as your father did, you would’ve come to your senses! If not, then Allah will allow us to dispense with you!”

Talib Ali
مشترك في مجالس آل محمد
مشاركات: 66
اشترك في: الاثنين يونيو 26, 2006 6:17 am

Imam Ali's reply

مشاركة بواسطة Talib Ali »


I think that we were all waiting to hear that reply by Imam al-Asi, but he left us all hanging! :wink:

Anyways, here is Imam Ali's response. This narration can be found in the Ansab of al-Baladhuri and the Wa'qat Siffin by al-Minqari. Please forgive any errors!

After Ali (as) praised Allah, and sent prayers and blessings on the Messenger (saws), he said:

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آخر تعديل بواسطة Talib Ali في الاثنين ديسمبر 17, 2007 7:10 pm، تم التعديل مرة واحدة.

Talib Ali
مشترك في مجالس آل محمد
مشاركات: 66
اشترك في: الاثنين يونيو 26, 2006 6:17 am

Imam Ali's reply

مشاركة بواسطة Talib Ali »


I think that we were all waiting to hear that reply by Imam al-Asi, but he left us all hanging! :wink:

Anyways, here is Imam Ali's response. This narration can be found in the Ansab of al-Baladhuri and the Wa'qat Siffin by al-Minqari. Please forgive any errors!

After Ali (as) praised Allah, and sent prayers and blessings on the Messenger (saws), he said:

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آخر تعديل بواسطة Talib Ali في الاثنين ديسمبر 17, 2007 7:09 pm، تم التعديل مرة واحدة.

Talib Ali
مشترك في مجالس آل محمد
مشاركات: 66
اشترك في: الاثنين يونيو 26, 2006 6:17 am

Imam Ali's reply

مشاركة بواسطة Talib Ali »


I think that we were all waiting to hear that reply by Imam al-Asi, but he left us all hanging! :wink:

Anyways, here is Imam Ali's response. This narration can be found in the Ansab of al-Baladhuri and the Wa'qat Siffin by al-Minqari. Please forgive any errors!

please delete
آخر تعديل بواسطة Talib Ali في الاثنين ديسمبر 17, 2007 7:08 pm، تم التعديل مرة واحدة.

Talib Ali
مشترك في مجالس آل محمد
مشاركات: 66
اشترك في: الاثنين يونيو 26, 2006 6:17 am

Imam Ali's reply

مشاركة بواسطة Talib Ali »


I think that we were all waiting to hear that reply by Imam al-Asi, but he left us all hanging! :wink:

Anyways, here is Imam Ali's response. This narration can be found in the Ansab of al-Baladhuri and the Wa'qat Siffin by al-Minqari. Please forgive any errors!

please delete
آخر تعديل بواسطة Talib Ali في الاثنين ديسمبر 17, 2007 7:07 pm، تم التعديل مرة واحدة.

Talib Ali
مشترك في مجالس آل محمد
مشاركات: 66
اشترك في: الاثنين يونيو 26, 2006 6:17 am

Imam Ali's reply

مشاركة بواسطة Talib Ali »


I think that we were all waiting to hear that reply by Imam al-Asi, but he left us all hanging! :wink:

Anyways, here is Imam Ali's response. This narration can be found in the Ansab of al-Baladhuri and the Wa'qat Siffin by al-Minqari. Please forgive any errors!

please delete.
آخر تعديل بواسطة Talib Ali في الاثنين ديسمبر 17, 2007 7:05 pm، تم التعديل مرة واحدة.

Talib Ali
مشترك في مجالس آل محمد
مشاركات: 66
اشترك في: الاثنين يونيو 26, 2006 6:17 am

Imam Ali's reply

مشاركة بواسطة Talib Ali »


I think that we were all waiting to hear that reply by Imam al-Asi, but he left us all hanging! :wink:

Anyways, here is Imam Ali's response. This narration can be found in the Ansab of al-Baladhuri and the Wa'qat Siffin by al-Minqari. Please forgive any errors!

آخر تعديل بواسطة Talib Ali في الاثنين ديسمبر 17, 2007 7:04 pm، تم التعديل مرتين في المجمل.

Talib Ali
مشترك في مجالس آل محمد
مشاركات: 66
اشترك في: الاثنين يونيو 26, 2006 6:17 am


مشاركة بواسطة Talib Ali »


Please excuse the multiple postings.

My computer was acting crazy last night.

Could the moderator delete the extra copied postings, please?



مشترك في مجالس آل محمد
مشاركات: 180
اشترك في: الخميس أكتوبر 19, 2006 10:08 pm

مشاركة بواسطة Mystic »

Jazakallah Brother Talib
The Sunnis scholars know about these letter exchanges but our sunnis brothers are too sensitive to discuss them.
Imam Ali (as) reply was great. It also contradicts the extreme sects that claim to follow the Imam.

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