Tired of being Muslim!!

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مشترك في مجالس آل محمد
مشاركات: 82
اشترك في: الأحد إبريل 03, 2005 3:16 pm
مكان: صنعاء

Tired of being Muslim!!

مشاركة بواسطة آية »

Yes, I am! I'm tired with giving justifications whenever a violent act happens in the world under the name of Islam..

I'm fed up with what became a cliché in my mouth : " This is not Islam" "These are not real Muslims" "Islam forbids such acts"…etc..

Sick of the disbelieving looks in my non-muslims friends' eyes and recently, sympathizing ! as they started to feel sorry for me, thinking that I must be living a big lie called "Real Islam" …and who blames them..
How can you convince people into your beliefs when everything around you turns them down !
I've never thought I'd give up, but I'm, sure, nearing it.. when killing innocent people becomes our Holly Jehad, bombing cities,and slaughtering diplomats and ordinary people. it's better, when it's the case, to keep my "Real Islam" for my self, and save them the ****…(excuse my language!)
أنا حامل كفني وفي طياته مازال يثقلني السؤال
كفني أخف علي من حمل السؤال فمن يزيحه
ما الموت,ما الميلاد ,ما الشرف الرفيع وما الفضيحة
أهي الحياة تريد إغواء الحياة..فما الحياة؟! و ما السؤالات الجريحة

مشرفين مجالس آل محمد (ع)
مشاركات: 1060
اشترك في: السبت إبريل 09, 2005 6:22 pm

مشاركة بواسطة Nader »

I'm tired with giving justifications whenever a violent act happens in the world under the name of Islam

You don't have to, violence is everywhere, under so many religions ,why didn't they think about what is happening is Iraq and Palestine!!!if they think as you said about Islam, they should blame Christianity and Zionism
How can you convince people into your beliefs when everything around you turns them down

Simply, let them read quran and all islamic thoughts regardless to some of the muslims behaviors.

أحمد الشامي
مشترك في مجالس آل محمد
مشاركات: 95
اشترك في: الأربعاء مارس 03, 2004 3:26 am
مكان: Washington D.C., USA

مشاركة بواسطة أحمد الشامي »


I agree with your points brother Nader, but lets face the real world....
Even thought Islam is the fastest growing relegion in the world, I notice that alot of conventors back up to their old relegions and beliefs, simply because they people that they hang out with are biased and full of jelousy among others and even among themselves...How can they continue their belief..... the person who guided them and showed them the right path is acting wierd and do things that are against the quran and against the rules of humanity before ISLAM.

thank you
أللهم إني كنت كما أحب فاجعلني كما تحب

مشرفين مجالس آل محمد (ع)
مشاركات: 1060
اشترك في: السبت إبريل 09, 2005 6:22 pm

مشاركة بواسطة Nader »

Dear Shami,
All converters had poblems with their believe cause of what was build on wrong islamic base.
Allah and Islam aren't in need of those.
And belive me, if the terror is the main reason to make people convert relogions. All christians should convert cause of the Bush, same for jewsh

أحمد الشامي
مشترك في مجالس آل محمد
مشاركات: 95
اشترك في: الأربعاء مارس 03, 2004 3:26 am
مكان: Washington D.C., USA

مشاركة بواسطة أحمد الشامي »


I think you misunderstood me bro Nader.

What I am saying is.... When you see a person you admire doing violent things you would start thinking about AM I DOING THE RIGHT THING or NOT.....especially for those new convertors......

When those new convertors hear about the excution of the new MUSLIM EGYPTION ABASSADOR to IRAQ they would say, they are even killing each other...what kind of muslims are they...OPS....I am one of them, I just converted last week...I don't think its the right thing for me....

Of course, most of the convertors convert to Islam and they fully believe in it, and they already know that what ever those terrorists are doing is wrong....but I am talking about those whom are misguided by their Sheiks.....and viewing the non sense of their sheik, but they do it because he said so..

Thank you

أللهم إني كنت كما أحب فاجعلني كما تحب

مشترك في مجالس آل محمد
مشاركات: 82
اشترك في: الأحد إبريل 03, 2005 3:16 pm
مكان: صنعاء

مشاركة بواسطة آية »


Most people are sympathizing with Iraqis and Palestinians' situation regardless of their religion. However, these incidents and acts of violence decrease this compassion big time.

if you put your self in their shoes, you'd just feel the same.
Simply, let them read quran and all islamic thoughts regardless to some of the muslims behaviors
you are talking as if they were already interested in Islam. Islam for most of non-Muslims is just another religion out in the crowd..

they are not interested enough to read about it Bro., yet, it is our duty to attract them to do so. Nevertheless, there are always those who's curiosity leads them into deeper encounterment with Islam, those who'll read Koran, Hadeeth and Islamic intellect. but do you think the interpretations we have for Koran really reflect the soul of Islam? for instance, how do you think someone would feel reading the verses that provoke men to beating women when disagreement? Based on the interpretation we have? will you always be there to explain it rhetoric wise?

this is just a small example. hope it will show you that things are not as easy as fantasizing about people converting to Islam just by readying about it .
it is simply every Muslim's duty to attract followers and spread Islam, and that would only be by reflecting the civilized instructions of our religion on our behavior.
Allah and Islam aren't in need of those
this is not how Islam was spread all over the world
أنا حامل كفني وفي طياته مازال يثقلني السؤال
كفني أخف علي من حمل السؤال فمن يزيحه
ما الموت,ما الميلاد ,ما الشرف الرفيع وما الفضيحة
أهي الحياة تريد إغواء الحياة..فما الحياة؟! و ما السؤالات الجريحة

مشترك في مجالس آل محمد
مشاركات: 82
اشترك في: الأحد إبريل 03, 2005 3:16 pm
مكان: صنعاء

مشاركة بواسطة آية »

Even thought Islam is the fastest growing relegion in the world, I notice that alot of conventors back up to their old relegions and beliefs
so true, not to mention those activists from some sects like Kadianit and Bahai, these people are very active and they are doing such a considerable job in attracting people into there beliefs, and this definitely is doing more harm to Islam image than good as we all know that these sects have nothing to do with Islam.
but I am talking about those whom are misguided by their Sheiks.....and viewing the non sense of their sheik, but they do it because he said so
it's a pitty, I can say that these Sheiks are almost sharing god's divinity in these misguided's eyes
أنا حامل كفني وفي طياته مازال يثقلني السؤال
كفني أخف علي من حمل السؤال فمن يزيحه
ما الموت,ما الميلاد ,ما الشرف الرفيع وما الفضيحة
أهي الحياة تريد إغواء الحياة..فما الحياة؟! و ما السؤالات الجريحة

مشرفين مجالس آل محمد (ع)
مشاركات: 1060
اشترك في: السبت إبريل 09, 2005 6:22 pm

مشاركة بواسطة Nader »

I think you misunderstood me bro Nader
I got you brother wallah :)
When those new convertors hear about the excution of the new MUSLIM EGYPTION ABASSADOR to IRAQ they would say, they are even killing each other...what kind of muslims are they...OPS....I am one of them, I just converted last week...I don't think its the right thing for me
The behavior of those who killed the Egyption abassaddor with cold blood is not affecting islam at all. unless they want to link it..they should bear that in mind

but I am talking about those whom are misguided by their Sheiks.....and viewing the non sense of their sheik, but they do it because he said so
thats what i was trying to say when i mentioned the WRONG Islamic base...

مشرفين مجالس آل محمد (ع)
مشاركات: 1060
اشترك في: السبت إبريل 09, 2005 6:22 pm

مشاركة بواسطة Nader »

(if you spell it like this)
I thought that your main Idea is that you're tired of giving execuses for some of the incidents which was related to Islam... isn't it
Most people are sympathizing with Iraqis and Palestinians' situation regardless of their religion. However, these incidents and acts of violence decrease this compassion big time.
Every normal human being will feel the same toward any other human beings regardless of the religion. this is not the case. and what did their compassion did to us , even it was big or small.
We felt bad for 9 11 , killing innocent people in iraq (non muslims) and yet, what happened in UK.
So you are away now of the main idea of this topic
how do you think someone would feel reading the verses that provoke men to beating women when disagreement?
why did you use the word provoke while it wasn't provocation???
Read it again :
الرِّجَالُ قَوَّامُونَ عَلَى النِّسَاء بِمَا فَضَّلَ اللّهُ بَعْضَهُمْ عَلَى بَعْضٍ وَبِمَا أَنفَقُواْ مِنْ أَمْوَالِهِمْ فَالصَّالِحَاتُ قَانِتَاتٌ حَافِظَاتٌ لِّلْغَيْبِ بِمَا حَفِظَ اللّهُ وَاللاَّتِي تَخَافُونَ نُشُوزَهُنَّ فَعِظُوهُنَّ وَاهْجُرُوهُنَّ فِي الْمَضَاجِعِ وَاضْرِبُوهُنَّ فَإِنْ أَطَعْنَكُمْ فَلاَ تَبْغُواْ عَلَيْهِنَّ سَبِيلاً إِنَّ اللّهَ كَانَ عَلِيّاً كَبِيراً

You are talking about the bad interpretations, so please be carful when you give an example.
Allah and Islam aren't in need of those

this is not how Islam was spread all over the world
You didn't get me, i meant what was meant by the follwoing ayas:

ذَلِكَ بِأَنَّهُ كَانَت تَّأْتِيهِمْ رُسُلُهُم بِالْبَيِّنَاتِ فَقَالُوا أَبَشَرٌ يَهْدُونَنَا فَكَفَرُوا وَتَوَلَّوا وَّاسْتَغْنَى اللَّهُ وَاللَّهُ غَنِيٌّ حَمِيدٌ [ التغابن الآية 6]

قدْ جَاءكُم بَصَآئِرُ مِن رَّبِّكُمْ فَمَنْ أَبْصَرَ فَلِنَفْسِهِ وَمَنْ عَمِيَ فَعَلَيْهَا وَمَا أَنَاْ عَلَيْكُم بِحَفِيظٍ [ الأنعام الآية 104]
إِنَّا أَنزَلْنَا عَلَيْكَ الْكِتَابَ لِلنَّاسِ بِالْحَقِّ فَمَنِ اهْتَدَى فَلِنَفْسِهِ وَمَن ضَلَّ فَإِنَّمَا يَضِلُّ عَلَيْهَا وَمَا أَنتَ عَلَيْهِم بِوَكِيلٍ [ الزمر الآية 41

مشترك في مجالس آل محمد
مشاركات: 82
اشترك في: الأحد إبريل 03, 2005 3:16 pm
مكان: صنعاء

مشاركة بواسطة آية »

Dear brother,

when I mentioned (what you agreed with)the compassion all human being share for victims of injustice.you said
So you are away now of the main idea of this topic

though I think it was related, as you said before that:
why didn't they think about what is happening is Iraq and Palestine!!!if they think as you said about Islam, they should blame Christianity and Zionism

as for me using the word "provoke" , in spite of whether it was too strong or exaggerated , (btw ,it depends on the version of interpretation the reader will use) the idea I wanted to point out was that reading Koran is not the one and only way to show Islam in it's real garment "not sure if the expression is right"

the fact that there are countless acts of violence committed by non-muslims starting from what's going on in Palestine and Iraq, doesn't eliminate the fact of Muslims outstanding share of violence, not only in western countries.
And it doesn't as well, spare us the need to justify and give excuses to clarify the image of Islam

I appreciate your point of view after all.
أنا حامل كفني وفي طياته مازال يثقلني السؤال
كفني أخف علي من حمل السؤال فمن يزيحه
ما الموت,ما الميلاد ,ما الشرف الرفيع وما الفضيحة
أهي الحياة تريد إغواء الحياة..فما الحياة؟! و ما السؤالات الجريحة

مشرفين مجالس آل محمد (ع)
مشاركات: 1060
اشترك في: السبت إبريل 09, 2005 6:22 pm

مشاركة بواسطة Nader »

And I am really appreciating the way you discuss
the idea I wanted to point out was that reading Koran is not the one and only way to show Islam in it's real garment "not sure if the expression is right
Now I got you. so I want to say something i think it is very important: to read quran -even for Muslims and Arabic speakers- we should have enough knowledge of the Arabic language in order to understand it well.
I know it is hard for someone had just started getting in Islam
Do you know Shiekh Hamzah Yousof??
that was his approach

the fact that there are countless acts of violence committed by non-Muslims starting from what's going on in Palestine and Iraq, doesn't eliminate the fact of Muslims outstanding share of violence, not only in western countries
I didn't say that was the reaction from Muslims towards violence in Iraq and Palestine. And I didn't deny the share of some Muslims in those crimes. All what I want to clarify is that:
Crimes are all over the world, different people from different cultures and religions are committing lots of human crises.
Muslims, Christians,, Jewish Bodest and also the ones who don't have a religion can commit such crimes. The problem they have because of them not their religions

Best Regards

أحمد الشامي
مشترك في مجالس آل محمد
مشاركات: 95
اشترك في: الأربعاء مارس 03, 2004 3:26 am
مكان: Washington D.C., USA

مشاركة بواسطة أحمد الشامي »


Bro. Nader, I don't think that the problem is only with them. The act of crime is not influenced by relegions, but they way they were tought the relegion made them believe that the relegion is asking them or influencing to do these crimes, which means that the relegion according to their beliefs is main reason behind all terror crimes.

أللهم إني كنت كما أحب فاجعلني كما تحب

مشترك في مجالس آل محمد
مشاركات: 82
اشترك في: الأحد إبريل 03, 2005 3:16 pm
مكان: صنعاء

مشاركة بواسطة آية »

Crimes are all over the world, different people from different cultures and religions are committing lots of human crises.
Muslims, Christians,, Jewish Bodest and also the ones who don't have a religion can
commit such crimes. The problem they have because of them not their religions
You've got a point here. it is true that violence and terror have no religion or nationality
but unfortunately in reality, it's only Islam that is being linked instantly with any terrorism act and it's only Muslims whom are to accuse.
أنا حامل كفني وفي طياته مازال يثقلني السؤال
كفني أخف علي من حمل السؤال فمن يزيحه
ما الموت,ما الميلاد ,ما الشرف الرفيع وما الفضيحة
أهي الحياة تريد إغواء الحياة..فما الحياة؟! و ما السؤالات الجريحة

مشرفين مجالس آل محمد (ع)
مشاركات: 1060
اشترك في: السبت إبريل 09, 2005 6:22 pm

مشاركة بواسطة Nader »

آية كتب:[it's only Muslims whom are to accuse.
This is their goal , covering the crimes with an Islamic tent.
All the thanks should be givin to Bin Laden and Zarkawi, they are working to the benefit of USA more than what CIA does...

There is a book for Eric Laurent called Bush's War, the book is illustrating the relation between Ben laden family and Bush family
it is very interesting book, i advice you and Mr Shami to read it.
Thanks for you all

مشترك في مجالس آل محمد
مشاركات: 82
اشترك في: الأحد إبريل 03, 2005 3:16 pm
مكان: صنعاء

مشاركة بواسطة آية »

I don't think that the problem is only with them. The act of crime is not influenced by relegions, but they way they were tought the relegion made them believe that the relegion is asking them or influencing to do these crimes, which means that the relegion according to their beliefs is main reason behind all terror crimes.

I agree again with your point bro. Muslims of these days are being taught their religion in a way that makes them believe that killing innocent people is their holly duty as Jihad. Youths are being brain-washed by some Shieks and clerics (mainly Salfies), this is destroying Islam by all means. Honestly, I think if I were not born Muslim, nothing on earth would had convinced me to get any close to this religion of hatred.
أنا حامل كفني وفي طياته مازال يثقلني السؤال
كفني أخف علي من حمل السؤال فمن يزيحه
ما الموت,ما الميلاد ,ما الشرف الرفيع وما الفضيحة
أهي الحياة تريد إغواء الحياة..فما الحياة؟! و ما السؤالات الجريحة

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